Youth Service

Rotary Youth Service
Rotarians have always taken a sincere interest in helping to prepare the next generation with programs and projects that provide leadership and ethics training, help with health and education, improve literacy, and lead the way to world peace and understanding. Beyond this fact, young people are also the future of our organization if we choose for Rotary to survive and thrive beyond our lifetime. Through our Rotary youth programs, we have the opportunity to not only provide service that is the keystone of our organization, but also to develop relationships and provide exposure to our wonderful organization and the ideals of "service above self" to the next generation.
Interact is a Rotary sponsored club for students ages 12 to 18 to do local projects. For more information, Contact
Rotaract is for ages 18 to 30. Rotaractors are involved in community and international service projects, as well as professional development and leadership training, and are good partners in service with their sponsoring Rotary clubs. London has two Rotaract Clubs at Western University and Fanshawe College.
The Rotary Outbound Youth Exchange Program provides young Canadians (ages 15-19) with the opportunity to learn about other cultures by living with host families in Countries participating in the Rotary exchange program. It is a life changing experience that has provided rich experiences for youth over the past decades. We have had many former exchange students return to our club for a visit to share the lasting impact of the opportunity. Here are are our most recent candidates sponsored by our club.
Our inbound exchange program allows us to host a student from a different country. They spend a school year with us and live with a few different families in London. The host families must qualify by meeting our established criteria and the students attend our Rotary meetings so we may learn more about their culture.
For more information on the Youth Exchange Program please visit:
New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30. Participants can design exchanges that combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project.