Jennifer Raymer spoke to our club about her work providing humanitarian support to Cuban orphanages.  Jennifer travels to Cuba several times a year and provides medical and food support to children in two orphanages.  In the process she also helps the local economy by purchasing food stuff from local farmers.  This is a win for the children and for the local economy.

Her task is made more difficult due to the sensitive political situation in Cuba.  It is important she does not do anything that can be considered critical of the Cuban Government, support opposition, or as somehow supporting US government statements.
She is currently working to help other orphanages and set up language learning basic education programs in the orphanages she serves.

When in Cuba, she stays with Cuban family homes and eats the same food they have.
The work she does covers most of Rotary’s seven areas of focus:
Material and child health, disease preventions and treatment, water and sanitation, basic education, community development, peacemaking and conflict resolution, and the environment.  She is doing “good in the world”