More than 700,000 Ukrainian children have been abducted by Russian forces since the beginning of their invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.  Professor Oleska Dracewych of Western’s Department of History presented the chilling plight of these children to over 30 attendees at our Jan 30th evening meeting.  His research includes the history of Soviet & Modern European foreign policy, Russia’s war in Ukraine and international communism.
Deurance provided an update on the progress of the Kenya Project to our Club as well as to members of Sarnia-Bluewaterland and Goderich with details on the water purification training, installation of two water tanks, renovation of 3-door toilet, menstrual health management for girls and the purchase of seven sewing machines for girls to gain sewing skills.
London South Rotarians, partners and friends enjoyed a lovely meal, games and sing song at the home of Patti and Michael Lake.  Thiago had fun modeling our "unique" Christmas sweaters.
Don updated our Club on the District's Environment Committee.  The Environment was added on July 1, 2021 as the Seventh Area of Focus for Rotary.   Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment gives Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.  Rotary service projects very often have had an environmental aspect – putting a new focus on the environment is a natural progression.
Interesting fact - Rotary’s first service project was an environmental one in Chicago - the installation of a public washroom in Chicago in 1917.
On Saturday night our Youth Exchange Students from Bolivia (Thiago), Japan (Sho), and Spain (Berta) joined Rotarian Brenda, Youth Exchange Officer Akhil and outbound student Sophie for a fun night of curling at The London Curling Club
Maria Luisa Aguilar-Urrea joined our Thursday night meeting via Zoom from Medellín, Colombia to update RCLS members on how the funds to their Global Grant contributed to the success of the Emprendepaz transformative project that was born out of their passion for empowering at-risk youth in Medellin. The project provides youth with personalized guidance, mentoring and sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities, to steer them away from violence and give them the tools they need to embark on a path of economic self-sufficiency.  Their project fair provided an essential platform for introducing Emprendepaz to an international audience through Rotary.   
It was an epic evening of cooking for the Community Fridge London (CFL).  In fact, the excitement was palpable, rivalling the Green Bay Packers win that afternoon and the Argos Grey Cup victory that evening!!
The cooking team consisted of the following:
  • The 4 Js – Joan, Jovia, Jordana and Jad
  • Pavan and his friend Rohit
  • Kathleen
  • Harry
  • Don
All under the tutelage of Coach Barbra, who did a spectacular job of providing the recipes, cheering us on and keeping us all focused on the multiple tasks.
The final result was 25 containers of Shepherd’s Pie and 33 containers of White Bean and Spinach soup in various serving sizes.  All have been delivered to the CFL and are ready for distribution.
Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers.  A job really well done!
Megha Thakar presents guest speaker Chris Doris with an Operation Eyesight certificate in appreciation for his presentation of a unique fundraising concept supporting local London small businesses.  
Jacob and Leidy Paul, updated RCLS via email on how excited the Teen Moms were from their El Nido  Program in Armenia, Columbia when they received a supply of Menstrual Products from the London Days for Girls' organization
On October 19, 2024, the Rotary Club of London South brought warmth and delicious Greek cuisine to the families at Ronald McDonald House. The evening’s menu featured a delightful array of dishes, including chicken souvlaki, rice, Greek salad, and tzatziki—a special dish prepared using an ancient recipe passed down through generations of the Fraser family.
The roasted potatoes, meticulously sliced, seasoned, and roasted by Patti Lake and Janice Kirwin, were a hit. Dessert coordinator Linda Badke ensured a sweet ending with a variety of pies, butter tarts, and watermelon.
Retired Rotarian Dennis Crane humorously declared he never wants to see another cucumber again after dicing countless ones for the salad and tzatziki. The team welcomed new volunteer Luana Kalil, whose enthusiasm suggests she might soon become a full-time Rotarian.
David Kirwin, after a brief search for oven mitts, bravely handled the 375-degree ovens to retrieve the trays without any mishaps. The entire event was smoothly overseen by events coordinator Barbra Fraser and RMH’s Diana, ensuring a memorable and heartwarming evening for all involved.
After many hurdles, Thiago from Bolivia has finally arrived and his first host Dad, Dan, welcomed him to Glengarry Ave.  Be sure to sign up for the Club Potluck on Wednesday, October 23 6-9 pm at Linda Badke's Home,
Rotary members from all the local Rotary clubs including Rotaract gathered in person at Fanshawe College and via zoom to hear the exciting news from CEO Travis Blackmore of Lionhearts Inc., a large, volunteer organization based in Kingston and Ottawa that sources a wide variety of products from Amazon, Costco, Walmart and other merchants (returned, surplus and mis-ordered items that otherwise are sent to landfill) and makes them available for free to non-profit organizations and agencies that serve disenfranchised and challenged persons and families in local neighbourhoods.  Lionhearts began in Kingston in 2014 and several years later expanded to Ottawa.  Both sites operate with active involvement and support from local Rotary Clubs.   Lionhearts also works collaboratively with existing organizations like Harvest Hands (already meeting food needs) to ensure no duplication but rather offers enhancements and expansions to their programs. Goods are also available at no cost to Rotary Clubs’ own projects (as just one example, backpacks filled with school supplies for children at schools in low income neighbourhoods).   For more information ahead of the meeting, visit  https://www.lionhearts.ca/ 
Lionhearts is now exploring an expansion of their operations to London, Ontario in the near future.  They are presently looking to secure a large warehouse (30,000 sq feet) where goods can be received, sorted, and made available to groups supporting persons in need.   They have already met with the Mayor to solicit support and cooperation from the City of London.
To view the recorded presentation, click "Read More" then Lionhearts Presentation under Page Links
Our District Governor, Katherine Hahn gave an inspiring presentation of her vision of Rotary for the 2024-25 year.  Review her slides attached as well as the "Magic of Rotary" invitation to visit her home city of Stratford for next year's District Conference May 2-4, 2025.
Rotarian, Jacob Paul, passionately describing the el Nido service that he and his wife Leidy designed and implemented in Columbia to aid teen girls aged 12 - 19 who become pregnant as a result of sexual abuse.  Our Joan Fisher also linked him with Jillian Johnston so they are returning to Columbia with 50 Days for Girls menstrual hygiene kits
London South Volunteers and Friends including Outbound Youth Exchange Student, Kate Witford, gathered at the Together for Cuba Warehouse to sort and pack supplies for Jennifer Raymer to take to Cuba on her next humanitarian trip.  Pre-project, some folks enjoyed a nice meal  and social together at the Casa Cuban Restaurant on Hamilton Road 
Assistant District Governor, Howard Shears, inducted the 2024-25 RCLS Executive Brenda Rouse (Sec), Kathleen Murphy (Pres), Barrie Neal (Intl), David Ramsdale (Treas), Howard, Hector Silva Rodrigues (P Pres)
Our entertaining Sergeant at Arms and resident lawyer, David Kirwin, conducted a 'Twenty Minutes on the Bench' exit interview with outgoing president Hector Silva Rodrigues where we learned about Hector's life story and immigrating his family from Columbia to London ON.  The Club thanked  Hector for his service and stepping forward during Covid as President for a two-year term!
Below London South President Hector Silva Rodrigues pins Jim Collins from Harvest Hands with a Paul Harris Award for all their contributions to The Community Fridge.  Jennifer Raymer, leader of the Humanitarian Trip to Cuba in February, was also recognized with a Paul Harris Award for all she does with MissionGo.Org.  She is shown here with President Hector, PH Event Coordinator, Al Hardy and Photographer, Jug Manocha.
Congratulations to Jim Belton, the first recipient of the prestigious John Eberhard Rotarian of Distinction Award (JERODA) for his tremendous accomplishments and a long-time commitment to Rotary.  Presented at the Area 4 Paul Harris event hosted by the Rotary Club of London Hyde Park, Rotary Club of London South, Rotary Club of London, Rotary Club London East and Rotary Club of London Lambeth.
Members gathered Thursday night for a Potluck Social.  We said farewell to Dr. Amy Sophia Odega as she is moving to Sault Ste. Marie to complete her Psychiatric residency.  She graciously shared her 'Rotary' cake to help us celebrate the birthdays of Barbra Fraser and Jim Thomas.  David Knoppert showed pictures of the recent Humanitarian trip to Cuba led by Jennifer Raymer.  Jennifer was honoured by our Club with a Paul Harris award for her leadership in this project.  Carolyn Murray, Joanne Vergeer and former RCLS member Peggy Vandenberg were also in attendance.   
Catherine Dorias-Piesko, the Fund Development Manager of The London Cross-Cultural Learner Centre enlightened our Club on why it is the leading newcomer agency in London, Ontario. 

Their primary objective is to enhance the community by providing a range of services and advocating for the success and sense of belonging of individuals from diverse backgrounds, particularly refugees and other vulnerable newcomers. Their vast experience is dedicated to helping these newcomers settle, integrate, and thrive in the London community.  For more information, contact Marianne Fischtner, the Newcomer's Speakers' Bureau Coordinator. 

The London Cross-Cultural Learner Centre


505 Dundas Street
London, Ontario | N6B 1W4



Our own Joan Fisher braved the pouring rain on Saturday to celebrate Earth Day by joining the Rotary Club of London,  District 6300 Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound Students and the Westminster SS Robotics Student Team, to plant 150 Trees at Pincombe Pond in London.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a community book-gifting program devoted to inspiring a love of reading in the hearts of children. Their mission is to instill and promote early literacy, increase school readiness, and increase parental engagement and bonding. Registered children, ages 0 to 5 years old, are mailed a high-quality, age-appropriate book monthly - free of charge to the family. These books foster family reading time, and the love of books, as well as helping to boost early literacy.  Hear from Dolly at Canada Dolly Special Thanks (youtube.com) and you can donate through the London Community Foundation Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Fund — London Community Foundation (lcf.on.ca)                                      
 Click to   ORDER TICKETS     NOTE:  The ticket transaction charge may appear as Bambora on your credit card statement.  ie BAM*ROTARY CLUB OF LON  DORCHESTER ON
In addition to Paul Harris Award presentations, the first John Eberhard Rotarian of Distinction Award will be presented to an Area 4 Rotarian honouring exemplary service, leadership, and dedication, who has strengthened camaraderie and inspired excellence in the Area.
On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 nine RCLS members and friends toured and volunteered at Harvest Hands in St. Thomas, a food distribution centre that rescues surplus food from retailers, bakers and growers and  re-distributes to organizations like our Community Fridge and other organizations, agencies and missions throughout SW Ontario. 
Bruno De Sando and Madalyn Brochu  informed our club members today on the General Insurance OmbudService (GIO) which is a free, independent and impartial service that helps with property and casualty insurance disputes (such as home, car and business insurance). Many Canadians have questions about their insurance with the growing number of natural disasters across the country, such as wildfires, floods and hurricanes. GIO’s helpful and knowledgeable consumer service officers will answer any insurance questions and provide a guide on what help is available should they come into a dispute with their insurer.  
Former Rotarian, Dr. Clyde Hillier, shown here with SAA David Kirwin, presented a proposal for a donation of $2,000 or more to the Operation Smile Cleft Surgical Programs in Columbia.  Through their outreach, and annual support from Rotary Clubs in Canada, Operation Smile Canada Foundation has earmarked gifts received from Rotary to their  Short-Term Cleft Surgical Programs in Colombia: • Boyacá: June 7 – 8, 2024 • Barranquilla: June 20 – 22, 2024 • Cali: June 28 – 29, 2024
Seventeen members of London South took time out of their busy schedules on Saturday to participate in a 'Vision to Success' exercise led by DG Sonja Glass and Nurdon Tokoz of Rotary Hyde Park,  Our outbound Youth Exchange student, Kate Witford, attended  as a scribe. 
Although our visioning work is not yet complete on what the Club could look like and where we'd like to be in a few years, we now have great ideas, suggestions and the tools to plan next steps to make our club the ONE others want to join!.
Thanks to Elisa and Kathleen for organizing this great event!

Natalie and Crystal from The Thames Valley Communication Access Program (TVCAP) confirmed their  dedication in supporting adults in the Thames Valley Region who have acquired communication impairments (speech and language difficulties post-stroke, brain injury or progressive disease). They ensure consistent access to ongoing support for recovery, ultimately optimizing their communication capabilities and quality of life. Our mission is to empower these adults with communication impairments by delivering accessible and impactful communication services through group speech therapy.

info.tvcap@gmail.com   www.tv-cap.ca


Allyson Watson told us about Roots of Empathy, a school-based program that decreases bullying and aggression in students as well as increases pro social behaviors.   A volunteer parent and infant are the heart of the program visiting a classroom 9 times in one school year along with an instructor who attends 2 additional classes for each family visit.

The baby becomes the centre for learning empathy and emotional attachment allowing children to explore what they think and how they feel.  This interaction increases positive social behaviour and decreases aggression and depression.  They develop empathy for others, both cognitive empathy, understanding the perspective of other people, and affirmative empathy, the emotional perspective.

www.rootsofempathy.org      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSqP9Vef664



In 1998, Rotarian Stephen (Steve) Fine, PhD, and his wife Gail from Peabody, MA lost their 26-year-old son Daniel to late-stage melanoma.

Steve gave up his successful career in the semiconductor industry to create an educational program that is saving the lives of other young people.

He created a website that began as a tribute to his son and evolved into a complete guide to early self-detection and prevention of melanoma, which is curable in its early  stages.

Steve didn’t stop there. He founded the nonprofit Melanoma Education Foundation and created its SkinCheck® curriculum, a class with a lesson plan, video and student handouts that informs students how to self-detect and prevent melanoma. He then developed a seminar to train high school and middle school teachers in how to conduct the class.  See attached links for more information...
Following up on the research evaluation by Fanshawe college, and the generosity of the Rotary District 6330 Grant, the Community Fridge shoppers have purchased snacks for children. These will be put in our pantry daily by our volunteers for families with school-age children to pick up.  Our research confirmed that the cost for snacks is very difficult to afford for many families.
On Sunday, 8 RCLS members and 5 Friends of Rotary gathered at St. John Divine Church and assembled 200 packages to help keep London's most vulnerable warm this winter.  The packages included a warm hat, neck gaiter, gloves, socks, hand warmers, thermal sheet, toothbrush, soap, comb, granola bars and wipes.  These packages will be distributed through Ark Aid.
SAA David K and assistant Anette did a great job today raising a total of $600 with the Worst Christmas Gift event.  Members who were not successful bidders of a Christmas gift or were not in attendance, were assigned a 'Christmas sweaters rental fee of  $20' meaning they won a 'one-time rental’ of  the Christmas sweaters for an occasion next holiday season.  See Joan Fisher to book your rental date!
Lorraine Jardine shared her volunteer experience at Hekima Place in Kiserian, Kenya.  Lorraine went there initially in 2007 and she has been involved with them ever since and now serves on their Board of Directors. Hekima Place has been thriving to educate and empower young girls. For more information, please see their website at www.hekimaplace.org. 
Upcoming Events
President's Welcome
Welcome to the Rotary Club of London South, located in London, Ontario.  If you are looking  to help make a change locally, internationally (or both!) you are in the right place.  I invite you to join our club for three reasons:
  1. Help us shine a light on projects to help people around the world.
  2. To listen to selected monthly guest speakers.
  3. To have fun with our members and projects.
We offer a variety of meetings times and events - check our Events Calendar above.
For more information, please contact me at any time!
Kathleen Murphy
RCLS President 2024-2025
Hybrid Club Meetings
We meet In Person & Online
Fridays at 7:30 a.m.
Fanshawe College South Campus
1060 Wellington Road South
London, ON N6E 3W5
(519) 808-2845
We host a hybrid of meeting types each month with a Fri 7:30 AM Business meeting via Zoom, a Fri 7:30 AM In-Person meeting, a Thu 7 PM mtg In-Person and service/social events. REFER TO THE EVENTS CALENDAR FOR SPECIFICS.
Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

Louise Good
Feb 14, 2025 7:30 AM
London Symphonia's Education and Outreach Committee's work
Katherine Hahn
Feb 27, 2025 7:30 PM
Induction of new members
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
Community Chair with Barbra Fraser
Interact Liaison
International Service
Youth Exchange Officer
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